Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Great B&W Photographers III

1. One thing that I love about Garry Winogrand's photography is the vagueness and simplicity of some of his photos. They always have people in them, but in the majority of his photos, there's always something hidden that you might not see at first glance.

At first glance, I see an ordinary, everyday couple casually walking down the street. But after a closer look, I saw something shocking. Monkeys! They're holding monkeys! Chimps! Primates!
I smell the distinct smell of the chimps. Not exactly a pleasant one.
I hear the sounds of the people walking, along with the faint chirping of the chimps.
I taste the thick, strange air. It gives me an odd feeling.
I feel the presence that something unordinary is happing. It takes a while for me to notice what's giving me that feeling.
My interpretation of this image is that it might represent the idea of evolution, showing the 2 infants being born as monkeys, later to evolve into adult humans.

This is a very interesting image, what with its simplicity.
I see two classy men who look like mafia members or crime bosses. One is confronting the other.
I smell thick cigar smoke. Since they both look like crime bosses, I can definitely image an ashtray on a table below the sitting one.
I hear the sound of the small light buzzing. I also hear the faint speaking of the two men.
I taste my saliva due to the suspense. I swallow it in fear.
I feel the cold air in the room upon my face. I also sense that something dramatic is about to happen.

3. To honor Garry Winogrand's influential, unique, and avant-garde artwork, I feel like his work should be honored among the other legends such as Ansel Adams. Museums should start featuring his work in the abstract and avant-garde art section.

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