Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Abandoned Theme Parks

1. I definitely wouldn't enter any of those, for they are just far too spooky, but if I was forced to, I'd probably check out the Lincoln Park in Massachusetts just for the "Comet" rollercoaster. It also seems the least spooky, despite the... casualties that occurred. Still, it seems like a great place to do photography considering how high The Comet stands and how iconic it is.


3. I'd recommend photographers to check out Chernobyl, but remember to bring the best anti-radiation equipment they can find. I would also recommend L.A, especially during the winter. The balcony of the Griffith Observatory in particular is a great place to snap photographs from. Toronto, Canada also seems like a good place to get some stylish photographs, especially the CN tower. If there's any photographers that are into scuba diving, I'd probably recommend the ocean off the coast of Sakhalin, Russia, due to the fact that there have been some... intriguing sightings in that area. Lastly, I would recommend Dubai, especially because of the Burj Khalifa, the tallest building in the world.

4. Image result for chernobyl

5. Chernobyl seems like a great place to photograph because of how imposing it is. After the horrible nuclear disaster in 1986, almost half a million people either died or fled. Recently, the radiation has died down, making it a bit safer for people to visit. It feel like it's the perfect example of an abandoned city with a grim and morbid backstory. A good thing to photograph (if it's safe) would be the infamous "Elephant's Foot". After the reactor exploded at the power plant in 1986, all of the nuclear material gathered in the bottom room of the plant, forming an enormous mass of radioactive waste now known as the "Elephant's Foot", which has broken the record for the most dangerous object on the planet. If a really lucky photographer is able to visit the blob of death, snap a few pictures, and live to tell the tale, history would be made.

6. Although it seems unlikely that I'll ever visit the place, if we're speaking theoretically, well, I'm gonna need the best anti-radiation equipment I can find. I'll need a compass, in case I get lost, and probably something to defend myself with, because you never know if you might run across a living mutant monster that succumbed to the radiation. I'll probably need a partner, because I'm a sensitive soul who just wouldn't have the courage to go alone.

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