Thursday, October 6, 2016

Camera History and Basic Functions (Answers!)

1. Latin for "Dark Room", camera obscura involved placing a hole in the wall of a completely dark room, then shining light through the hole, projecting the outside image upside down into the room.
2. The lens was invented.
3. A glass lens, a dark box, and film.
4. They both shine light to project an image.
5. They use a CCD.
6. Auto completely controls the camera by itself, and Program lets you control the camera.
7. Portrait blurs out the background by using the fastest lens setting.
8. Sports freezes motion by using the highest shutter speed.
9. It will give you time to get the shot ready.
10. Disables flash if you don't want it.
11. The camera automatically decides if the shot needs flash.
12. Too much light will cause the picture to be "washed out".
13. Not enough light will cause the picture to be too dark.
14. A stop is a measurement of light.
15. 1
16. 2
17. More light
18. Less light
19. Light
20. Controlling the opening

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