Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Student of the Month Story

Who - Charlie Ferguson
What - Student of the MonthWhere - James Bowie High SchoolWhen - 2017Why - He was the best nominee, and the school would be losing money if they didn't choose him.

The freshman known as Charlie Ferguson has recently been awarded "Student of the Month" at James Bowie High School. To obtain a Student of the Month award, you must be a hard-working student with a good reputation, and also be involved with an extra curricular. The student is chosen by teachers by means of voting.

Charlie Ferguson is one of the friendliest students you can find at Bowie High School.

"I just want to be someone that people can go to whenever they need help and support. Considering what I've been through, I feel like I could use my past experiences to offer advice to anyone going through similar things," Ferguson said.

Charlie manages to balance his social life with his classes.

"Interacting with other human beings gives me a lot of joy, but I know how important my schoolwork is. I tend to try to get it done before engaging in social activities," Ferguson said.

Charlie also attends SAGA, also known as Sexuality And Gender Acceptance club.

"I would give everything just to stand up for the club. All sexualities and preferences deserve representation, and the club is a great way to represent it in our school," Ferguson said.

He has said that his life at school has impacted him more than anything, whether it be the social aspects or academic aspects.

"My social life takes place entirely at school. Or, at least, all of the most important people in said social life are people who I met at school. All of the schoolwork that has been stacked upon me over the years has greatly increased my ability to manage time, and the things I've learned in my classes will undoubtably impact me in the future," Ferguson said.

Charlie has dreams of becoming a musician, but he has yet to decide what he shall do beforehand.

"Being a musician is one of my ultimate goals. I love music, and I feel like making my own music would be a great way to express myself and my emotions. I also plan on having an acting career, and possibly a photographer, director, and digital artist. Of course, these are big goals, and I will most likely need to start with a simpler job in order to work towards my goals. The only problem is that I haven't thought about what I should do for a normal job. I will decide when the time comes, though," Ferguson said.

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