Friday, December 2, 2016

Deadlines, ARGGH!

1. According to the website, the origins of the term "deadline" are uncertain. 
2. I'll get a bad grade on the assignment.
3. I've always had issues meeting deadlines for homework. Most of my consequences include getting fussed at by my parents.
4. I'm a hardcore procrastinator, causing me to miss deadlines a lot.
5. I was sick for a few days, causing me to miss a lot.
6. I shall focus as hard as possible on the assignment, and not be distracted by other things.

1. The one about setting a specific time to work on homework would be very useful.
2. Probably the one about saying no. It's extremely hard for me to turn down an offer from a friend.
3. I'm more like a middle-of-day person. That's the time I normally work.
3A. Due to the fact that I normally work in the middle of the day, it might last longer into the night.
4. I can find a specific time of day in which I can't be doing anything else that I can dedicate to studying.
5. 1. Find a quiet spot with no distractions. 2. Let a parent or partner sit with me to make sure I'm not goofing off. 3. Ask a question if I need help.

1. Yes! Most of the suggestions would be very useful.
2. Quiet, cozy, chilly, free of distractions.
3. Usually my thoughts, my drawing book, and the internet. I tend to drift off whenever I get stuck on something.
4. For my thoughts, I could ask for help if I get stuck. For my drawing book, I can just hide it. For the internet, I can just let someone sit with me to make sure I'm on task.

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