Tuesday, November 8, 2016

American Soldier

A. Personally, I think the first image on page 21A is the most interesting. It shows that even with Ian's internal and external battles, he's still the same kid in the same room. The gun in his hand shows that even when he's safe in bed, he still has battles to deal with.

B. They tell the story of Ian Fisher's journey through his involvement in the army.

C. The captions show what is going on in the pictures, who is in them, and what they symbolize.

D. When Ian Fisher was 17, he announced that he was going to join the army. 1 year later, he did just that. After a bunch of heartfelt goodbyes, he finally arrived at the camp. Countless hours of training turned him into a real soldier. The stereotypical drill sergeant constantly bullies his soldiers, making them tougher. Ian bought a ring for his new girlfriend during a week back home. Months of training, preparing, and emotional conflicts finally made him ready. 11 months later, he finally arrived in Iraq. After constant battle, Ian returned home as a new man.

E. Third-person

1. They usually have 1 or 2 sentences.
2. They tell what is going on in the story.
3. They say what Ian's point of view on the event is, sometimes showing a quote.
4. They enforce what Ian is saying.
5. A lot of them do.
6. Yes. One of them even has 5.

G. It's quite easy to do. There needs to be a certain picture for every important event that happens, and the caption needs to describe what is going on in the picture and its significance.

H. Words tend to add more to the story, maybe it might dive into people's thoughts more. This is a complicated question.

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